Tehdä jotakin urheilullista, Käpertyä hyvän kirjan pariin, Lounastaen ystävän kanssa, Perheen parissa, Leikkien lemmikkini kanssa, Harjoittaa harrastusta, Menemällä kävelylle, Ystävien kanssa, Luonnossa
Aktiviteetit joista pidän
Pyöräily, Patikointi, Muu
Urhelulajit joiden katsomisesta/harrastamisesta nautin
Open your door to me and let's talk ! I am sweet, tender, loyal, romantic, well-educated, with sense of humour, easy-going and gentle with you up to every minute. I am a real man who know what I want from life and I make my best to achieve my goals : I keep my word "My words are actions !" Passionate in all what I do, I want to build serious relations based on love and trust to each other ! I can make everything possible for my woman to enjoy life every day. I know what i want and don't like to waste my time, I'm communicative and often very talkative but I know when i have to listen and support my partner. I have many interests in life and I enjoy every moment of it ! Always positive and at the same time realistic ! I'm always honest with others, I can not stand lies and hypocrisy. I try to do good for people, anyway, all our life we have returns about it and it's so great to see people around happy !
Miten kuvailisit omaa ihannekumppaniasi?
I wish a serious relationship with a woman who will be able to understand the means of couple based on respect, understanding and harmony in the couple. Love is a feeling which no one can buy and take from you... Love makes life full of joy and happiness... And to be honest - it is easier to live together in this interesting world !
Jos tietäisit maailmanlopun koittavan 30 päivässä, mitä tekisit?
I would like to be around my dearest people, enjoy every minute spent with them as in fact they make our lives... Just be around people who love you just as you are and give warmth and love to them. BUT DON'T WAIT THE LAST 30 DAYS TO EXPRESS AND SHOW TO YOUR DEAREST HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM ! Life is beautiful everyday !
Kuinka usein ja keneltä sinä kysyt neuvoa?
No need, I'm wise enough learning from experiences life offers. People ask me for advice
Mitä ominaisuutta arvostat eniten oman sukupuolesi ihmisissä?
Frank, direct, honest, respect
Mitä ominaisuutta arvostat eniten vastakkaisessa sukupuolessa?
Frank, direct, honest, respect
Mikä on elämässäsi merkittävä viimeaikojen tapahtuma ja miten se on vaikuttanut sinuun?
Just knocked my toe at the bottom of the fridge ! )
Mikä on tärkein neuvo jonka annat lapsillesi?
Be your own boss!
Mikä on tuottanut kaikkein suurimman vaikutuksen (shokin) sinulle?
Ask to my toe! 😂
Viimeisimmät lukemasi kirjat?
Reading is one of my hobby
Mitkä ovat tämänhetkiset tavoitteesi?
I am at the age which is the best to enjoy everything life can give and I want to share my positive attitude with the magic lady, is it you ? I really want to meet this lady with whom I can have it. The most important is that I want it and I am ready for it.
Onko sinulla paljon ystäviä?
Enough but only a few of them are true ones
Mitä haluaisit muuttaa itsessäsi?
Well, I try to develop myself... but in fact life and experiences make us change naturally and for the better, mistakes teach lessons and we grow to be even a better man everyday after... Like in appearance that is what my parents gave to me and I am thankful to them... My personality is not that bad))... In behaviour, I was brought well and I know how to behave in these and those situations.
Mitkä ovat vahvuutesi?
Sens of humor, caring, lively, responsible
Ketkä ovat suosikeitasi kirjoituksessa ja runoudessa?
Stephen King - Agatha Christie
Minkälaisesta musiikista pidät?
House music - Rock - Lounge - Loads of styles and bands and singers ! Music gives emotions and happiness !
Mikä on lempiruokasi?
Italian - Indian - Actually, meals which cannot be cooked at home !))
Mitkä ovat suosikkielokuviasi?
Every Louis de Funes movies ; Notebook - Titanic - The age of Adaline... Many, many !!
Mikä on suosikkiaktiviteettisi tai -harrastuksesi?
Sports (I play tennis and cycling) - Music - Family time
Kerro meille unelmiesi kumppanista.
Just a lady who will make my heart beating faster and with whom I will feel comfortable in any situation...
Missä haluat asua?
I already live near the beach, that's a dream come true !
Hyveiden mestari
Toiminnan mestari
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