Faire quelque chose d'athlétique, Aller déjeuner avec un ami, Passer du temps avec sa famille, S'adonner à un passe-temps, Rejoindre des amis, Aller danser en boîte de nuit, Faire du travail supplémentaire
Activités que vous aimez
Camping, Danse, Jogging/courir, Arts martiaux, Nage, Marche, Haltérophilie, Faire du cheval
Sports que vous aimez regarder et/ou pratiquer
Basket, Sports olympiques, Tennis
Formes de divertissement que vous aimez
Bars/pubs, Jeux de société, Casino/jeux d'argent, Concerts, Boîte de nuit, Dîner spectacle, Evènements de mode, Gastronomie, Films, Musées/arts, Musique classique, Musique Rock, Poésie, Lire, Dégustation de vins
Kind, generous, loving, passionate. Strong Protector, love children, and enjoy happiness, adventure, and passionate love. Attractive, former male model and rock singer. Top Ten Technology trainer expert in my country. Loves travel, adventure, great dining, theater, the arts, music, dancing, movies. I'm a writer, and I have my own business in New York City.
Comment décririez-vous votre partenaire idéal?
A feminine, beautiful, gentle woman with a loving heart who wants to enjoy adventures, passion, magic in our lives and having children and a family with me. A woman who is tender, cares about our home, our children, and about me. She is smart, intelligent, can work in her field and is willing to learn new things in order to become a successful person in my country.
Si c'était la fin du monde dans 30 jours que feriez-vous?
Help my family, love all of them as much as we could, and work together to find solutions and a way to survive.
Si vous aviez 10 millions d'Euros que feriez-vous?
Invest it in income-generating assets.
Demandez-vous souvent un avis et à qui?
sometimes. I ask my mother for advice, and from experts when the matter is about professional business.
Quelles sont les qualités que vous aimez le plus chez les personnes de votre sexe?
loyalty and friendship.
Quelles qualités appréciez-vous le plus chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
honesty, faithfulness, passion.
Quel évènement récent vous est arrivé dans votre vie?
I had to start a new life after losing an important person I cared about.
Le principal conseil que vous donneriez à votre enfant?
Love as much as possible and work to be successful and give your family a good life.
Qu'est ce qui vous a provoqué la plus grosse impression (choc)?
A family event that changed our lives forever.
Le dernier livre que vous ayez lu?
The sword of truth.
Quels sont vos buts actuellement?
To become wealthier, buy assets, develop my businesses, and to be more successful. To find a suitable partner with whom to live a life of love and passion, happiness and success.
Qui admirez-vous?
ex President Barack Obama. Elon Musk. Bill Gates. Warren Buffett.
Avez-vous beaucoup d'amis?
I have many friends.
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes de votre sexe?
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
lack of personal care, and not keeping things clean.
Que voudriez-vous changer en vous?
I want to be more courageous and fearless, a risk taker, a dedicated smart working man who does everything to live life to the maximum.
Mes défauts
working too much, being too generous, and believing in some people when I should not.
as a fun person who does everything I can to help. A person with principles and morals, a leader, a reliable individual.
Comment mes connaissances me perçoivent?
A fun, exciting, happy man.
Mes jeux favoris
computer games, board games, sports.
Mes auteurs et poètes favoris
Pablo Neruda, Terry Goodkind, Silvio Rodriguez, Baudelaire, Ian Fleming, and others.
Ma musique préférée
Instrumental, Tango, DJ Rock, 80s and 90s rock, contemporary rock, alternative, pop, and dance music.
Ma nourriture préférée
Asian, Thai, Mexican, Italian, Chinese.
Mes films préférés
The Count of Montecristo, Superman, Batman, The neverending story, The Avengers, message in a bottle, romantic movies, comedy, scary, and action.
Mes contes de fée préférés
Mon passe-temps favori
Reading, clubbing, dining out, going to theaters, watch movies, traveling, cooking, going to spa, walking, spending time together with my partner.
Le travail dont je rêve
Business manager of my company.
Le/la partenaire dont je rêve
She is a passionate, loving, amazing and intelligent woman with a generous heart, good temper, a sense of humor, loves children and family, she cares about my health, our lives, our family, and works together with me to achieve success in life.
L'endroit où j'ai envie de vivre
I want to live in a big city such as New York. It's fun, close to everything I need to do, and the cultural life is fantastic.
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