I'm very ambitious and self dependent. If I decide to do something I'll do it regardless of the circumstances. I don't wait for opportunities but rather I seek one. They say if you want something so bad you will always earn it. People admire me for my skills and talents but I think life has a lot more to offer and a lot more to learn from it. One more important thing I'm not a quitter. I always find ways to get what I want from life. I have a great career and an important future in front of me in the movie making business but none of the less it doesn't make me a better person or at least I don't see it like that. Man kind is all created equal.
Wie würden Sie Ihren idealen Partner beschreiben?
Pretty. Smart. happy.
Wenn Sie wüssten, dass in 30 Tagen die Welt untergeht, was würden Sie vorher noch gerne machen?
I'll come up with a plan to save the world before it ends.
Wenn Sie 10 Millionen Euro zum Ausgeben hätten, was würden Sie damit machen?
I'll work harder to earn another 10 million.
Wie oft und wen fragen Sie nach Rat?
So far people come to me to seek an advice but I can take an advice if needed.
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