My name is Gautam Sharma. Separated from more than 12+ years(no contact). I come from a Upper/Middle Class nuclear family with moderate values. I am graduate and experience in Audio-video, IT field as integrator/service/consultant. I am pure vegetarian (no onion/no garlic), nature loving, spiritual person. I take care of my old mother (she can take care of her daily routine herself) and it is my duty as well as responsibility. Remember I am a family person who prefer love and family bonding above all other material things. In past days I have seen to many consequences in my life hence looking for a true love/partner and relationship as my better half. Who can understand my feelings and to be with me in all ups and down. If interested things may be forward with communication, best of partner searching, thanks,
Hur skulle du beskriva din idealpartner?
Simple, kind, good understanding, sharp feature, soft spoken, attractive, family oriented (it does not mean bond with house work). A good nature person with a good understanding. A divine love/respect towards Indian culture (Sanatan Dharma)/spirituality. She have an aptitude for great family values and good human being. A enough featured person with inner beauty and high morality. A person who does not force her will or desire on her family member. A person who is willingly interested to be pure vegetarian/vegan, healthy food and healthy living structure. help me to follow the same. A person having 1 toddler (if) is considerable. I need a family with elders and youths with good family bonding where I can fit easily and they consider me as their own.
Om jorden gick under om 30 dagar, vad skulle du göra?
nothing, I will stay calm and pull myself fully towards God
Om du hade 10 miljoner dollar att spendera, vad skulle du göra?
I am interested in humanitarin work and upliftment for real needy person...
Hur ofta och av vem frågar du om råd?
mother nature always help me and give advice
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av ditt kön?
they should be honest, kind and helpful for needy person. should not be selfish, corrupt and harmful for the society
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av motsatt kön?
They should respect the family values and their love for family is very important. They may be real adviser for her partner.
Vad är den senaste stora händelsen i ditt liv och hur har den påverkat dig?
Disrespect and dishonesty from my partner has tear me apart.
Vilket är det bästa rådet du skulle ge dina barn?
be honest, simple and spiritual being. love and kind for everyone
Vad har orsakat det största intrycket (chock) hos dig?
my life
Den senaste boken du läst?
not a book worm
Vad är dina mål just nu?
to know myself, well being for the society, looking for my partner and love
Har du många vänner?
Vilka egenskaper tycker du sämst om hos människor av ditt kön?
Vilka egenskaper tycker du sämst om hos människor av motsatt kön?
selfish, over ambition
Vilka är dina svagheter?
honesty and truthfulness
Vilka är dina styrkor?
honesty and truthfulness
Hur uppfattar dina vänner dig?
henest, loyal and helper/guide
Hur uppfattar dina bekanta dig?
they envy me
Vilka är dina favoritspel?
football, basketball, swimming, horse riding +
Vilka är dina favoritförfattare och poeter?
Vilken typ av musik tycker du om?
hiphop, jazz, instrumental
Vilken är din favoritmat?
veg food only
Vilka är dina favoritfilmer?
adventure, sci fi, action, mystery, documentary
Vilken är din favoritsaga?
Vilka är dina favoritaktiviteter eller hobbies?
knowledge from anywhere, diy
Vilket är ditt drömyrke?
society upliftment and well being
Berätta för oss om din drömpartner.
Simple, kind, good understanding, sharp feature, soft spoken, attractive, family oriented (it does not mean bond with house work). A good nature person with a good understanding. A divine love/respect towards Indian culture (Sanatan Dharma)/spirituality. She have an aptitude for great family values and good human being. A enough featured person with inner beauty and high morality. A person who does not force her will or desire on her family member. A person who is willingly interested to be pure vegetarian/vegan, healthy food and healthy living structure. help me to follow the same.
Var vill du bo?
anywhere in the world, natural and peaceful area
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