Mir es mit einem guten Buch bequem machen, mit der Familie etwas unternehmen, ein Museum oder eine Galerie besuchen, Hausarbeit erledigen, Unterricht nehmen
Weitere Hobbys oder Interessen
Malen, Philosophie/Spirituelles, Yoga
Antworten auf einige Fragen
Wie würden Sie sich selbst beschreiben?
I am good educated. Friends say that I have a rich soul world. I know English very well. have healthy life style, don’t smoke and keep good shape bodies. I have quiet character. In spare time like to go on nature, to galleries of paintings. I am divoced 2 years ago. work as manager of sales. well cooking, organise comfort in the house.
Wie würden Sie Ihren idealen Partner beschreiben?
I would like to find man who would become for me very important person for the rest of life. I dream to meet big love, and to have beautiful loving relations based on respect and help each other. I clever and capable person, sociable and affable with people. The family is very important for me. I search only for serious relations.
Was schätzen Sie am meisten an Menschen Ihres eigenen Geschlechtes?
Intelligence, kindness, cleanliness, good taste in appearance and clothing,
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