I am a diverse person which came from my upbringing. My father was in the US Air Force so I lived in different states and other countries. My parents had five children in my family so I understand the word compromise.
Living a healthy lifestyle.is important to me. Fitness helps the mind and the body. Eating good healthy food is a must. And of course life is too short to drink bad wine.
I will use some words from my friends. My close friends call me laid back. Live and let live as long as it does not affect me or the people around me unless we make that choice.
The people I work with call me intense. If you asked the people I deal with in business they would tell you they like doing business with me because I do what I say I am going to do, they trust me, and I treat them with respect.
Πώς θα περιγράφατε τον ιδανικό σύντροφό σας;?
A woman that is comfortable with who she is. She can be comfortable in a pair of jeans or in an elegant gown. I believe in soul mates where you can connect mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually. It is possible. Are you the one?
Πόσο συχνά και από ποιον δέχεστε συμβουλές;?
Myself. After all I am the one that has to live with the decisions.
Ποιο χαρακτηριστικό του αντίθετου φύλου εκτιμάτε περισσότερο;?
Honesty and Trust
Ποιο χαρακτηριστικό εκτιμούν περισσότερο οι άλλοι σε εσάς;?
Honesty and Trust
Η βασική συμβουλή που δίνετε στα παιδιά σας;?
Be the best you can be. Be a good student. Be a good athlete. Most of all be a good person.
Τελευταίο βιβλίο που διαβάσατε ;?
Thank you For Being Late. - (about technology in the last 10 years)
Ποιόν θαυμάζεις;?
A few close friends and many acquaintances
Ποια χαρακτηριστικά του αντίθετου φύλου σας αρέσουν περισσότερο;?
Narcissism and greed
Ποιες ιδιότητες εσείς αντιπαθείτε στον εαυτό σας;?
Drama queens
Αγαπημένη μουσική σας?
All kinds of music except country western.
Αγαπημένο σας φαγητό?
Does there have to be a favorite? There are so many good different kinds of food.
Η δουλειά που ονειρεύεστε;?
Who wants to work?
Μετάλλιο για την επιμονή
Μάστερ της αρετής
Μάστερ δραστηριότητας
Βρείτε άλλους χρήστες παρόμοιας ηλικίας από τα προφίλ αυτά. Είναι συνδεδεμένοι και ενεργοί.