James, 33 ans., États-Unis, North Richland Hills
Vérification du téléphone
Taux de réponse: 100%
Renseignements principaux
Prénom: James
Age: 33
Lieu: États-Unis, North Richland Hills
Signe du Zodiaque: Bélier
Poids: 86kg
Taille: 175cm
Couleur des cheveux: Noir
Morphologie: Dans la moyenne
Avec quelle fréquence fumez-vous?: Jamais
Avec quelle fréquence buvez vous?: Jamais
Nature de votre activité: Je suis matinal (j'aime me lever tôt)
Avec informations:
Vérification du téléphone
Etat civil: Célibataire
Je veux des enfants: Pas décidé
Vos priorités dans la vie:
Fonder une famille, relations durables
Bonheur / bien être
Que pensez vous des dépenses de voyages et de rencontres: J'accepte de payer
Education: Diplôme d'études supérieures
Fonction: Ingénieur
Quelle religion pratiquez-vous?: Evangélique
Mon (ma) partenaire
Age: 29 - 45
Passe-temps et autres intérêts
A quel point aimez-vous le jardinage?
J'aime assez le jardinage
Aimez-vous le shopping alimentaire ?
Acceptable pour moi
A quel point aimez-vous les autres types de shopping?
Ca ne me dérange pas
Aimez-vous faire la cuisine?
J'adore cuisiner
Quelle est la fréquence de vos sorties?
Une fois par semaine
Aimez-vous dîner à l'extérieur du foyer?
En ce qui concerne la TV
Je préfère les actualités
En ce qui concerne l'argent
Je n'achète que ce dont j'ai besoin, j'économise le reste
Pour m'occuper durant les soirées
Itinérant proactif
Je garde mon espace
Ce n'est pas la perfection mais presque
Idéalement je voudrais vivre dans
Maison en banlieue
Mes animaux domestiques
Je n'ai pas, mais je les aime Les chats, Les chiens, Les poissons
Quels types de programmes télévisés aimez-vous le plus regarder?
Sci-fi, Nouvelles, Nature/vie sauvage, Horreur, Éducatif, Documentaire, Affaires courantes/débats, Action/aventure
Comment aimez-vous utiliser votre temps libre
Faire quelque chose d'athlétique, Aller déjeuner avec un ami, Faire du shopping, Suivre un cours, Volontariat
Activités que vous aimez
Jogging/courir, Nage, Haltérophilie, Planche à voile/surf, Faire du cheval
Sports que vous aimez regarder et/ou pratiquer
Baseball, Football américain
Formes de divertissement que vous aimez
Jeux de société, Films, Musées/arts, Musique classique, Musique country, Musique Jazz/R, Musique Pop, Divertissements télévisés, Jeux videos
Autres hobbies ou intérêts que vous avez
Antiquité, les chats, Collectionner, Ordinateurs, Aménagement d'intérieur, Placement, Actualités/politique/événements, Philosophie/spiritualité, Causes sociales/activisme, Voyager, Volontariat
Réponses à quelques questions
Comment vous décririez-vous?
I’m a software engineer and grad student with a passion for learning, creativity, and meaningful connections. By day, I work on solving complex technical challenges, and by night, I’m diving into my studies, always looking to expand my knowledge and grow. While my career keeps me engaged, I believe life is about more than just work—it’s about experiences, relationships, and the stories we create along the way.

One of my greatest passions is storytelling, whether it’s through science fiction movies, literature about history, or even music. I love the way sci-fi pushes the boundaries of imagination, asking the big “what if” questions about the future of humanity, technology, and the universe. At the same time, history keeps me grounded, offering invaluable lessons about where we’ve been and how we’ve shaped the world today. Whether I’m reading about ancient civilizations, technological revolutions, or great leaders, I’m always fascinated by the past and how it influences our present.

Beyond books and movies, music is a huge part of my life. I’m a talented musician, and playing music has been one of my favorite creative outlets for years. There’s something special about expressing emotions and ideas through sound, whether it’s composing, performing, or just getting lost in a great melody. Music has a way of bringing people together, and I’d love to share that with someone who appreciates the power of a good song.

I also have a deep love for travel. Exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and trying unique foods are some of my favorite things to do. Every trip is an opportunity to learn, to step outside of my comfort zone, and to create lasting memories. Whether it’s wandering through historic cities, hiking in nature, or finding hidden gems in unfamiliar places, I’m always looking forward to the next adventure.

At this stage in my life, I’m looking for something real—a meaningful relationship built on trust, laughter, and shared experiences. I value deep conversations, intellectual curiosity, and a partner who is just as excited about exploring life as I am. Whether we’re debating the best sci-fi film, discussing history over coffee, or planning our next big adventure, I want to build something that lasts with someone who shares my passion for learning, creativity, and connection.

If you’re someone who loves great stories, appreciates music, and is always up for an adventure, we’ll probably get along really well. Let’s create our own story together.
Comment décririez-vous votre partenaire idéal?
My ideal partner is someone who is intellectually curious, emotionally mature, and passionate about life. She loves to explore new ideas, whether through deep conversations, books, or travel. A great sense of humor is a must—someone who can laugh with me, even in tough times, and who appreciates both witty banter and heartfelt moments.

She is kind, supportive, and values meaningful connections. She’s not afraid to communicate openly and honestly, creating a relationship built on trust and mutual understanding. Independence is important—I admire someone who has her own goals and ambitions but also sees a relationship as a partnership where we can grow together.

She shares my love for adventure, whether it’s traveling to new places, trying new foods, or simply stepping outside of our comfort zones. At the same time, she enjoys quiet moments—watching a great sci-fi movie, reading a fascinating book, or enjoying music together.

Above all, she is genuine and seeks something real. I want a relationship where we inspire each other, challenge each other, and create a strong foundation for a future together. With the right person, even the simplest moments can become unforgettable.
Si vous aviez 10 millions d'Euros que feriez-vous?
Fund scholarships and vocational training programs for underserved communities.
Support initiatives that provide quality STEM and AI education in low-income countries.
Invest in mobile learning platforms to reach remote areas.
Demandez-vous souvent un avis et à qui?
Parents or Older Relatives – For life decisions, relationships, and values-based dilemmas. Their long-term perspective and emotional grounding can be invaluable.
Siblings or Cousins (if close in age) – For career moves, personal challenges, and modern-day issues. They might understand my situation better since they’ve likely faced similar things.
Extended Family with Expertise – If I have a relative with expertise in finance, law, health, or business, I’d consult them when I need professional yet trustworthy guidance.
Avez-vous beaucoup d'amis?
No, but I value quality friendship over quantity.
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes de votre sexe?
Toxic Competitiveness
Emotional Unavailability
Disrespect Toward Others (Especially Women)
Avoidance of Responsibility
Over-Reliance on External Validation
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
Manipulative Behavior, Double Standards, Lack of Accountability, Excessive Materialism, Passive Aggressiveness
Ma musique préférée
Jazz, Funk, Instrumental, Classical
Ma nourriture préférée
Italian, Spanish, and Chinese
Mon passe-temps favori
Jogging, reading books, building model airplanes
  • Médaille de la ténacité

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