Hal, 30 Jahre, USA, Pelham
Letzter Besuch:
Antwortrate: 32%
Vorname: Hal
Alter: 30
Ort: USA, Pelham
Sternzeichen: Stier
Gewicht: 86kg
Körpergröße: 183cm
Augenfarbe: blau
Haarfarbe: dunkelbraun
Körperbau: muskulös
Wie oft rauchen Sie?: Ich bin Nichtraucher(in)
Häufigkeit des Trinkens von Alkohol: gelegentlich, überwiegend in Gesellschaft
Ihre Aktivitäten: Egal
Mit folgenden angaben:
Spanisch 3 (mittel)
Familienstand: ledig
Möchten Sie Kinder haben?: Ja
Sind Sie bereit umzuziehen ?:
Ich möchte in meiner Stadt bleiben.
Ihre Prioritäten im Leben:
Familie Langzeitbeziehung
Ihr Einkommen: Gutes Einkommen
Ich besitze: Ein Haus / ein Ferienhaus, Ein Auto
Wo leben Sie ?: Eigenes Haus
Wer soll die Reisekosten oder Kosten eines Treffens zahlen ?: Ich bin gerne bereit für Beide zu zahlen
Ausbildung: Bachelor
Berufsbezeichnung: Andere
Welcher Religion gehören Sie an?: Keine Religion praktizierend
Mein Partner
Alter: 18 - 25
Gewicht: 40.86 - 59.02 kg
Körpergröße: 160 - 188 cm
Ist es ok, wenn er/sie Kinder hat?: Nein
Körperbau: schlank, durchschnitt, muskulös
Raucht: Nichtraucher(in)
Alkohol: gelegentlich, überwiegend in Gesellschaft
Volkszugehörigkeit: weiß/europäisch
Hobbys und Interessen
Lieben Sie Gartenarbeit?
Ich habe nichts dagegen mitzuhelfen
Kaufen Sie gerne Lebensmittel ein ?
Ich komme zurecht
Gehen Sie gerne Shoppen?
Ich habe nichts dagegen
Kochen Sie gerne?
Ich mag Kochen
Gehen Sie gerne im Restaurant essen?
Ich mag es sehr
Meine Rolle auf Parties
unparteiischer Beobachter
Wenn es um Geld geht
Ich gebe etwas aus und ich spare etwas
Haustiere, die ich mag
Ich habe keine, aber ich mag Katzen, Hunde, Fische, Reptilien, Vögel, exotische Haustiere
Welche TV Programme sehen Sie gern?
Science Fiction, Natur- und Tierfilme, Mystisches und Thriller, Filme, Drama, Dokumentationen, Komödie
Was ich in der Freizeit gerne mache
Fernsehen oder einen Film ansehen, Sport treiben, mit der Familie etwas unternehmen, im Internet surfen
In diesen Bereichen bin ich gerne aktiv
Anderes, Gewichtheben
Andere Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten, die mir Freude machen
Konzerte, Gourmet Abendessen, Kino, Museum/ Kunst, Countrymusik, Rock, im Internet surfen
Weitere Hobbys oder Interessen
Autos, Katzen, Familie/Kinder, Reisen
Antworten auf einige Fragen
Wie würden Sie sich selbst beschreiben?
Ladies be careful. There is a difference between a man who does not want a woman where he lives, and a man who can not get a woman where he is. You have to ask yourself why is the man here????? Is he normal or do the american girls not want him for some reason.

I am looking for a wife. American women are overweight and immature. They want to talk to their ex boyfriends and be friends with them.

They do not want to marry. They want to "be free" until they want children, not because they love the man. Usually they end up divorced because they do not love the man. I do not want this. I want to spend my life with someone who wants to spend it with me, to do things together and build a life.

I hope you like the USA. It has many opportunities and is like no other country in the world.

I like to travel, shoot, movies etc. I have a wide range of music taste and pretty much like everything.

I mostly work at the hospital. When not working there I work with my hands building a house.
I am dis-satisfied with myself it I am 'standing still' in life. I have always been goal oriented and somewhat driven to succeed.

I hope to hear from you and please message me.
Wie würden Sie Ihren idealen Partner beschreiben?
Nice, sweet, an pretty. And thin. I do not like big women. Women here in the USA eat too much and get large, average woman in USA is 75kg. �I am not interested in mercenary women. Marriage is a team effort. I am a down to earth person, not flamboyant.
Wenn Sie wüssten, dass in 30 Tagen die Welt untergeht, was würden Sie vorher noch gerne machen?
To All you ladies who think you found the right man. Here is a breakdown of what it cost to live in the USA, not in a major city.

All you Russian ladies want an older man? Are you sure? Consider this: In America if a man abandons his child and does not support the child he goes to jail. Almost ALL men older than 28 in the USA have children. You will need a divorced man of course, if he makes 16 USD an hour and has two kids he will have to pay 640 USD a month to his ex-wife for child support if she has the kids. If he makes more money he pays more money. Sometimes the man has custody of the kids. He also has to pay for half of their college / university , it is not free here and their medical bills and health insurance. He will have a mortgage payment of at least 1400 a month for a house ( approx. value of house 200,000 USD) for 30 years and if he rents a normal house almost the same amount. A car with mandatory insurance will cost about 300 a month. Food will cost at least 500 USD a month, water will cost about 60 USD a month, cable and internet will be another 80 USD, cell phone will be at least 45 USD, electricity will be about 300 USD a month, gas for car about 100 usd a month, clothing, shoes , coats, etc. 20 a month ( from 240 a year) gifts for holidays 20 a month ( again from 200 a year, which is really low), 80 USD a month to buy lunch each day (5 USD a day 5 times a week) of course all the other things are not included in here, tires for car, medical co-payments, NO vacations or travel, no furniture, no appliances, etc. Also this does not include the cost of going to see you one time in your country as the us law requires, which is 2300 air fare and hotel to go for 3 nights. Then it will cost another 2000 to go get you and 2000 to bring you back. The visa and other papers also cost money. So at least 6000 USD for that.

So, 640+1400+300+500+60+80+45+300 + 100 +20 +20+80 = 3,545 usd a month just to live normal life. NO extras, NO travel, NO money to visit you, NOTHING EXTRA. So, your man must make at least 22 USD an hour, but the man above only made 16 USD. Of course if he makes more money he pays more for child support also.

If he has custody of the children he will still spend the same amount as the child support taking care of them. Children are expensive here.

Also in America people marry within 3 years normally. So when a man wants a younger woman it is because he wants younger women. So when you are older he will leave you for a younger woman. This is why they are divorced already.
Wenn Sie 10 Millionen Euro zum Ausgeben hätten, was würden Sie damit machen?
Spare? What did I do with the rest? I would invest it to make more with and then travel and help people.
Wie oft und wen fragen Sie nach Rat?
My parents. Colleagues, etc. but then I decide.
Was schätzen Sie am meisten an Menschen Ihres eigenen Geschlechtes?
gender makes no difference, it depends on the person.
Gab es kürzlich, ein bedeutendes Ereignis in Ihrem Leben und wenn ja, wie hat sich das auf Sie ausgewirkt?
My job affects me everyday. I deal with people who are very sick and who are dying. I have to help their families and try to keep them alive so they will recover, or help them to be at ease why they wait to die.
Was ist der beste Rat, den Sie Ihren Kindern mit auf den Weg geben können ?
I would teach them to recognize the reality of the world - good and bad.
Was hat einen starken Schock bei Ihnen hinterlassen?
Too many to list. One is how some people do not understand the realities of the world. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Die letzten Bücher, die Sie gelesen haben?
Was sind jetzt Ihre Ziele?
Continue my education, work, wife, children, travel, good future
Haben Sie viele Freunde?
No. Very few. I work. I want a wife to be my best friend.
Was sind Ihre Schwächen?
I do not like dishonest people and will tell them so.
Was sind Ihre Stärken?
I care about my patients.
Welche Meinung haben Freunde über Sie?
Serious when he needs to be, smart, funny.
Welche Meinung haben Bekannte über Sie?
funny and very helpful but also serious about my job.
Welche sind Ihre Lieblingsspiele?
I like to target shoot pistols. I exercise and practice boxing skills.
Welche sind Ihre Lieblingsschriftsteller und Dichter?
None. Life in America is busy. Always something to do. I work in the hospital, I help my father build, we have many movies we can watch on tv whenever we want, etc. I study text books, etc.
Welche Musik mögen Sie?
All kinds
Was ist Ihr Lieblingsessen?
All kinds, as long as it is good.
Welche sind Ihre Lieblingsfilme?
Action, drama, masterpiece, all types.
Was ist Ihr Lieblingsmärchen?
I do not know.
Was ist Ihre Lieblingsbeschäftigung oder Ihr Hobby?
I like to travel and see history. Movies, concerts, musicals, shows, eating...
Was ist ihr Traumberuf?
One that pays well and allows me to spend time with my family.
Beschreiben Sie Ihren Traumpartner.
She loves me.
Wo möchten Sie leben?
Where I live now.
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