Ken, 60 años, Estados Unidos, Livingston
Última visita:
Porcentaje de respuesta: 33%
Información principal
Nombre: Ken
Edad: 60
Ubicación: Estados Unidos, Livingston
Signo del Zodiaco: Virgo
Peso: 77Kgs
Altura: 180cm
Color de ojos: Azul
Color del cabello: Rubio oscuro
Tipo de cuerpo: Normal
Frecuencia con que fuma: Ocasionalmente
Frecuencia con la que bebe: Nunca
Tu tipo de actividad: No importa
Con información:
Estado civil: Soltero/a
Quiero tener hijos: Indeciso
¿ Estás dispuesto a mudarte?:
Estoy de acuerdo en mudarme dentro de mi país
Tus prioridades en la vida:
Familia, relación a largo plazo
Equilibrio mental
Estabilidad, seguridad
Tus ingresos: Buenos ingresos
En mi propiedad: Piso / Apartamento, Coche, Moto
¿ Dónde vives?: Piso/apartamento independiente
¿ Qué opinas de los gastos del viaje y el encuentro?: Yo estoy de acuerdo en pagar
Estudios: Algún universitario
Sector laboral: Comerciante
¿Qué religión profesa?: Espiritual pero no religioso
Mi pareja
Edad: 45 - 65
Peso: 40.86 - 63.56 Kgs
Altura: 122 - 183 cm
Color de ojos: Cualquiera
Color del cabello: Cualquiera
Tipo de cuerpo: Delgado, Normal
Grupo étnico: Cualquiera
Pasatiempos e intereses
Mantengo mi espacio
Siempre limpio para la compañía
¿Te gusta la jardinería?
No me importa ayudar
¿Te gusta ir a comprar la comida?
Me gusta un poco
¿Cuánto disfrutas de otros clases de compras?
Me gusta un poco
¿Te gusta cocinar?
Me gusta un poco cocinar
¿Te gusta salir?
Una vez a la semana
¿ Te gusta cenar fuera?
Lo disfruto
En relación a la TV
Opto por una película
En relación al dinero
Gasto una parte y ahorro otra
En una fiesta me describiría como
Observador imparcial
Tu lugar ideal para vivir
cabaña en las montañas
Mascotas y yo
No tengo pero me gustan Gatos, Peces, Perros
¿Qué clase de programas de televisión le gustan más?
Naturaleza/vida salvaje, Películas, Documental, Comedia, Caricaturas
Cómo me gusta pasar el tiempo libre
Leer un buen libro, Almorzando con un amigo, Jugar con mi mascota, Ir de compras, Visitar museos o galerías, Ponerme al dia de las tareas domésticas, Hacer clases / Aprender Cursos, Buscando un pasatiempo, Ver la TV o una película, Dar un paseo, Estar entre amigos, En la naturaleza, Jugar con el Ordenador, Navegar por Internet
Actividades con las que disfruto
Ir en bicicleta, Navegar / Vela, Acampar, Senderismo, Otros, Esquiar/ Snowboard, Excursion en la nieve, Nadar, Pasear, Montar a caballo
Mis deportes favoritos (practicar/ver)
Carreras de Coches, Futbol americano
Mis entretenimientos favoritos
Patinaje artístico, Conciertos, Cena de lujo, Cines, Museo/arte, Clásicos musicales, Rock, Lectura, Navegar por internet, Juegos de video
Otros pasatiempos y actividades que me interesan
Coches, Computadoras, Artes, Perros, Mejorar el hogar, Motocicletas, Compras, Viajar
Responda algunas preguntas
¿Cómo te describes?
I would observe that we are not who we think we are. We are who other people see us. If I had to tell you who I think I am, I would say kind, witty, intelligent, perceptive, wise, strong, romantic, sweet... Considering all of that, I would suggest that I am perfect   I have been told I am a competent man, and a "nice guy" (much to my detriment it seems, but to know me better is to know I am not always nice). I am ambitious, and driven to follow and complete my pursuits and interests.
¿Cómo describirías a tu pareja ideal?
She does not look like a pin cushion. Or a doodle pad. I do not know when women decided looking like a Merchant Marine sailor was attractive, but I do not find it so. She has her goals and ambitions and she can appreciate having a partner who also has goals and ambitions and does not expect him to change his for hers, and will not change hers for his. She is psychologically stable. She respects herself. She does not sit on the front porch in a bath robe yelling at people on the street (yeah, "I know, huh?").
Si fuera el fin del mundo en 30 días, ¿qué haría?
I would save it.

You are welcome  
Si tuviera 10 millones de dólares para gastarlos, ¿qué haría?
Open a service to find homes for unwanted pets.
¿ A quién pides consejos y con cuánta frecuencia?
It depends. If it is work or project (hobby) related, on occasion. If it is personal choices, never. I follow my own lead and accept responsibility for who I am.
¿ Cuál es el evento reciente más importante en su vida?
There is not a single one that stands out. Every event in my life has made me who I am.
¿ El último libro que leíste?
Atlas Shrugged
¿Cuáles son tus metas ahora?
Restore my antique car. Build my house.
¿Tienes muchos amigos?
Just enough.
¿Qué cualidades te disgustan más en la gente de tu sexo?
Slovenly behavior.
¿Qué cualidades te disgustan más en la gente del sexo opuesto?
¿ Cuáles son tus defectos o tus principales errores?
Brunettes. Translating my words into a foreign language. If something I have said seems peculiar or "odd", feel free to ask. It may have been lost in translation.
Mis méritos
¿Cómo me ven mis amigos?
The competent man. The self made man. Sophisticated.
¿Cómo me ven mis conocidos?
Mis juegos favoritos
I play computer games on occasion, but I do not play on line. I prefer strategy games and am currently playing Anno 1404 Venice. I do not have a lot of time for it.
Mi escritores y poetas favoritos
Dickens. Dumas. Doyle. Tolstoy. King (my guilty pleasure).
Mi música favorita
No reggae, no "new country". I am an old school "metal head" who has an appreciation for all good music. I listen to classical music when I sleep and quite often, Motown classics during the day.
Mi comida favorita
Mis películas favoritas
Comedy. Drama. War.
Mi pasatiempo favorito
Scale modeling. Woodwork. Restoring old cars.
¿ Qué trabajo desearía tener?
I have it.
El compañero que le gustaría tener.
Instead of a direct answer to this question, I will be specific about why I am here. I am here to assess the suitability of a woman for an intimate long term relationship. I do not feel a need to be in a relationship. I want to find the woman I can be with for the rest of my life. I avoid getting involved with women who need a man. Need as opposed to want. It usually means they need more than just a relationship and I want to find a woman who wants a man to complement her. To bring her life and her world full circle and complete as she would do mine. I took some time away from relationships because I was using more of my time to make her happy and not enough of my time being happy myself. I have my goals and they do not get accomplished when I am with a woman who needs me to stop pursuing them to accomplish hers. Finding a woman who is exactly like me is not ideal to me. I would like to find enough similarities to keep us sharing and together and enough differences to keep things interesting. It is difficult to describe, so I can only hope you "get it". With all that said, I am very particular about who I choose to get involved with. I am not a serial dater-someone who dates for the sake of dating and chooses not to get serious about anyone.

I will be completely honest here. I work for a living, as I am sure most of you do. I have a good solid job that I can work until I choose to retire, if I wish. I also work two part time jobs; one for fun and one of necessity. I am doing well. Well enough to live a good life and put money away. I am not rich or wealthy by any means but I am financially secure. I would suggest that people who are wealthy do not really have use for a website like this. They have the means to meet women without the internet. This means that I will not go flying half way around the world to meet a woman on a whim or out of curiosity. I have my goals and ambitions and if I choose to make a trip to a land far away where I do not know the language or customs, I will not only be really sure the woman I am going to meet is the one I am looking for, but I had also better be the man she is looking for. Because I appreciate that it is a far more difficult decision for her as she will be leaving her home to live in a land where she does not know the language or customs. Also, I do not prioritize being in a relationship ("solitude is wrong, so say the herd"), but if I should meet the woman who I share a mutual attraction and interest with I would indeed make her a priority.

And to finish, yes I do read the profiles. I do not pursue anyone who is not looking for someone like me so if your criteria does not match mine I will not pursue. But I must say, some of you are quite clever  
¿ En qué lugar le gustaría vivir?
Just below the snowline (snow line).
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